Mattress Cleaning Prices

Mattress Service Prices are:

  • Single Bed Mattress – €40.00
  • Double Bed Mattress – €50.00
  • King Size Bed Mattress – €65.00

(Minimum Call out – €50.00)

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Can you professionally clean a mattress?
It is always better to call a professional mattress cleaning service because the DIY method isn’t always strong enough.
How often should you have your mattress professionally cleaned?
As per the professionals cleaning mattresses twice a year is a solid thumb rule for a healthy mattress.
What causes yellow stains on a mattress?
This can happen because of sweat, most commonly it is seen a mattress to become discolored and musty smelling from sweat.
How do professionals clean mattresses?

These are the ways professionals clean the mattress:

  1. Vacuum the mattress
  2. Clean it with stain remover
  3. Sprinkle baking soda all over the mattress
  4. Vacuum again
  5. Flip the mattress repeat the process

What is the best product to clean mattresses?

Basically baking can be the best alternative solution, you can sprinkle a layer over the entire top of the mattress and leave for several hours then use a power full vacuum.

Can you steam clean a mattress?

This process can easily penetrate beyond the top layer of the mattress it can be helpful to steam clean every few months.

Can I use a carpet cleaner to clean my mattress?

As per the experts, it is not always advised to clean your mattress with a carpet cleaner, because some of the carpet cleaners can be used to clean mattresses, pet stains.